About Me

About Me

Hi! I'm Avery (they/them). In my free time, I love to code little projects- It's my creative outlet, and I just enjoy doing it! So, I made this page just to show a record of some of the coding creations that I've learned from in the process of making


I started teaching myself to code through YouTube when I was about 9, initially to code plugins for my Minecraft server. Since then, I've kept learning and begun working on some projects of my own! I'm not the best at a-lot of visual art, so this is how I can create, be creative and solve problems.

Ongoing 2024

Legacy of Solaris

Passion Project, 2024

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Made with Unity (C#)

About the Project

The content of the project

The project is a grand strategy game, inspired by games like Crusader Kings and Mount & Blade. It's based on the political situation of Ashea, a fantasy server that I help develop, as it was in mid 2023.

Basically, players choose a country to lead, and then can develop buildings in that country, engage in diplomacy with other nations, and go to war. That said, it's VERY far from complete. Most of what I've done is backend coding, which makes it hard to display, and I've slowed down a bit to work on college applications.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

I love the Grand Strategy genre of games, so naturally I've always wanted to make my own. It's not my dream project, but it's one I'm definitely passionate about. I started making this at summer camp, but after I went home I decided to move this to Unity so I could write it in C#.

I think one of the biggest things I learned was about how to design intricate systems of information that all rely on eachother, and rely on input from both the player and the AI. This was the first project I've made that involes AI and complex logistics in the same project, although the AI isn't super developed yet.

Ashea Fantasy Races

Volunteered Project, 2022-24

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Made in Java

About the Project

The content of the project

This project is a plugin for Minecraft Multiplayer that both adds tolkien-esque fantasy species that players can play as, and stores players' ingame characters. Each species has unique abilities.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

This project is probably the 2nd most complicated thing I've made. It was made to enhance the roleplay aspect of the game. It has been continously developed and changed over the past 2 years.

This project also involved a few other team members who did artwork. From this project, I learned a lot about storing/working with data and how to optimize operations for performance. This was also the first project that I used interfaces for.


Solaris V1

Summer Camp Project, 2024

Made with UE5

About the Project

The content of the project

This project was the initial version of the later Legacy of Solaris, before I got home from camp and switched to Unity

The project is a grand strategy game, inspired by games like Crusader Kings and Mount & Blade. It's based on the political situation of Ashea, a fantasy server that I help develop, as it was in mid 2023.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

I made this during a two-week game design camp last summer. It was a really cool experience to be able to really work with other people to make things come to life, and to just talk to some of the people there.

Nolenopo 2D

School Project, 2022

View in OpenProcessing


Made in Javascript

About the Project

The content of the project

A small blocky world is generated with a few natural features: a random terrain; trees and rocks; forest, plains, and "purple" biomes. Zombies spawn on the map, especially in the purple biome, and the player survives as long as they can. The player can build defenses with collected blocks.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

This was my final project for Freshman year computer science. It's pretty small with only 1330 lines, but I spent a couple weeks making it.

This was really the first game I made without a game engine. I learned about how to optimize programs and use visual tricks. The code is very rudimentary, but it was decent for a freshman project.

Ashea War System

Volunteered Project, 2023

No video sadly :(


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Made in Java

About the Project

The content of the project

A plugin for Minecraft that adds "war" to the game: Players can occupy certain territories to gain points, and the rate of point gain increase dynamically as time progresses and kills increase. It also limits destruction and friendly fire during the battle.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

This was made for Ashea, a minecraft geopolitical server I help develop, to replace a third-party warfare plugin that just didn't work as well.

The coding of the plugin itself was fairly simple, but the process of organizing testers, meeting deadlines, and bugfixing this project was a-lot more difficult. It taught me a lot about teamwork and time management.

Zombie Armies

Personal Project, 2022

Made in Java

About the Project

The content of the project

This was a minecraft plugin I made which modified the behavior of the zombies in the base-game to fight on behalf of players in line formations.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

This was my first significant attempt at making an "AI" of any kind, which definitely took the bulk of my time. I spent a few months working on this project, and was made for me and 3 other friends to fight "wars" without involving other people.

Before 2021

Nolenopo I

Passion Project, 2020

Made with Unity (C#)

About the Project

The content of the project

The game itself was fairly simple: There were five levels. Each level had zombies trying to kill you, and you had to escape them for a certain amount of time to win. You could buy items with coins you got from completing levels. I also started adding a multiplayer mode, but never finished it.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

I made this early on in the COVID lockdowns. Though very rudimentary, it was the first time I ever truly tried to make a game. It was also the first project I showed off to others. It holds a very sentimental place in my heart

As my first standalone project, I learned a decent amount about simply what works and what doesen't in game design and programming. The code itself was horrid, but through that I learned how NOT to do it in the future. I learned a bit more about how multiplayer games work, and I was very proud that my friends all loved the game.

Mine World

Passion Project, 2020

Made with Unity (C#)

About the Project

The content of the project

Simple game where you move a spaceship up or down and in order to dodge missiles. You could buy upgrades and stuff to progress.

Project Creation

Why I created it / what I learned

This was made very soon after Nolenopo. It was fairly basic, I really just made it for fun. I learned a bit about animations and very rudimentary 3D modelling, plus making the inventory system, though simple, taught me a-lot about data storage.

YouTube Tutorials

Passion Project, 2017

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Made with Unity (C#)


Just me talking :)

When I was still new to coding, I really wanted to share my knowledge with people. Of course, my knowledge at the time wasn't particularly good or useful yet, but I still wanted to help other people learn the same stuff! So, I'm sharing my attempts as a child to share my interest in coding with others, though basic and making heavy use of pre-existing tools.

By Avery :D